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Law degree at the University of Parma..
He began the legal profession in September 2001, immediately dedicating himself to labour law, which he has always practiced, together with civil law and commercial distribution law.
Over the years, deepening the relationship with the English-American culture, he abandoned the European-continental forma mentis, oriented to the search for absolute truth, to arrive at the statistical thinking, aimed at assigning probability of occurrence to the possible expected results.
This has profoundly changed the way of practicing law. Today he adopts a risk-based approach, seeking the best possible outcome for the client.
He has had the good fortune to assist clients in transactions abroad, dealing with systems, institutions and cultures profoundly different from the Italian one.
This has added further depth to his professional experience.
Convinced that the professions are just beginning their transition into the information economy, he is committed to the digitalization of the law firm.
Member of the Bar Association of Brescia since 11.10.2004.